Hector Garcia Rodriguez
I am a ELLIS PhD student at Marcus and Anna Rohrbach's Multimodal AI Lab. I am co-advised by Hervé Jégou.
Previously, I was a research engineer on efficient deep learning at Huawei Zurich. I graduated with an MSc Machine Learning from University College London, where I was advised by Timoleon Moraitis and Pontus Stenetorp. Previously, I interned as a Software Development Engineer in Amazon Web Services, and obtained a BSc Theoretical Physics from UCL.
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I'm interested in multimodal representation learning: improving efficiency and reliability using adaptable networks with adjustable compute budgets, and using more contextualised representations for sequential decision making tasks.
Hebbian Deep Learning Without Feedback
Adrien Journé,
Hector Garcia Rodriguez,
Qinghai Guo,
Timoleon Moraitis
ICLR notable-top-25% (spotlight), 2023
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We train deep ConvNets with an unsupervised Hebbian soft winner-take-all algorithm, multilayer SoftHebb.
It sets SOTA results in image classification in CIFAR-10, STL-10 and ImageNet for other biologically plausible networks.
SoftHebb increases biological compatibility, parallelisation and performance of state-of-the-art bio-plausible learning.